Hi, I'm Neel Dhanaraj

Ph.D. Student in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence


I am a Ph.D. student at the Realization of Robotic Systems Lab (RROS) at the University of Southern California. My advisor is Dr. Satyandra K. Gupta.  My research interests lie in the field of robotics, with a focus on task and motion planning under uncertainty, as well as human-robot collaboration. I aim to develop intelligent robotic assistants (like our mobile manipulator) that can work in unstructured environments to improve efficiency and productivity while also enhancing human well-being. My current research focuses on advancing human-aware task planning and task-informed motion planning algorithms.

Previously, I have worked on other robotics research problems, including task allocation for multi-robot assembly, robotic spray coating, developing a smart mobile manipulator robot, and swarm robot construction.